Andrea Schmider Live at Food & Art

Food & Art, Offenes Höchhus, Höchhusweg 17, 3612 Steffisburg

Saturday, November 23, 2024

5:30 p.m: 5 course seasonal menue with assorted wines (please register)

8.15 p.m.: Concert with Andrea Schmider in the Attic (concert can be attended separately, admission free, collection, no registration needed)

Special Guest:
Pavel Stöckmann (Piano)


MOVIN’ ON Release Event

SA, January 13, 2024

Studio21, Zentweg 21i, 3006 Bern (Ostermundigen)

We are officially releasing the EP and kicking off the MOVIN’ON Tour. Oh – and we’re also shooting live videos!

Special Guest:
Manuel Halter (Piano)
Michael Koshorreck (Guitars)
Rafael Jerjen (Bass)
Dominik Burkhalter (Drums)
Rahel Stoller (Backing Vocals)^

Doors: 7.30 p.m.
Start: 8.00 p.m.

Entrance free (offering)
Limited number of places, registration required


Subject: Registration Release Event
Please state name, email and number of persons!

Order Christmas Sale 2023

Christmas Sale 2023 – now with new merchandise!


Night of Hope

SO, December 1, 2019

God and suffering – an artistic search for answers
Readings from the novels “Wanderung zwischen den Welten” by Stefan Wenger and “Gefangen – Ein Leben mit Parkinson” by Joëlle Wenger. Musically and visually interpreted by Andrea Schmider and The Artbeat physical theatre.

Entrace free (offering)

An Event by Landeskirchlichen Gemeinschaft jahu, Region Thun

Christmas Promotion 2019

Looking for that special stocking stuffer? Here’s an idea
(please note that we only ship in Switzerland):




FR, APRIL 28, 2017

Bernstrasse 70, Kehrsatz
Show start: 8.00 p.m.
Doors open, 7.30 p.m

After our first visit to the Bistro in summer 2013 we are thrilled to be hitting that stage again. Especially as it is located directly above the studio where Promise of Spring has been produced!

Free entry – offering

Album Promise of Spring


It is finally here: Promise of Spring my long anticipated first full length album!

Contemplating and celebrating life – Finding a safe harbor in the storm –Hope!

These are the stories the album is telling. In collaboration with producer Lorenz Schaller, 11 original songs have been cooked up at Soundpro Studios near Berne, Switzerland. Spiced up by the flavour of numerous very talented and creative musicians the album has become what its name stands for: bursting life, light at the end of the tunnel, hope in a hopeless place, a safe harbor in a storm – short: Promise of Spring!

You can per-order the album (digital)or the CD (Hardcopy) here:


A cup of Songs

SATURday, NOVEMBER 12, 2016

Kirche Oberdiessbach
Celestial Singers & Andrea Schmider acoustic
Start: 08.30 p.m

The Celestial Sisters and I will serve you a cup of songs. And of course, we will be collaborating on some of them. I will be accompanied by Lorenz Schaller (Piano)

Free entrance – offering

Promise of Spring Tour

I am currently touring my brand-new album Promise of Spring with my band. It offers what the name stands for: contemplating and celebrating life – finding a safe harbor in the storm – hope. The songs are inspired by life with its ups and downs and the quest of touching heaven with both feet firmly on the ground. With stage-presence and charisma we light a firework you do not want to miss!


Andrea Schmider (Vocals, A-Guit)
Lorenz Schaller (Keys)
Jon Hossmann (Guitars)
Joel Graf (Bass)
Simeon Guggisberg (Drums)